Brilliant Computer System Health Check

Just wanted to give some feedback for your fantastic service! I found your engineer to be very helpful in my complex situation, with a good knowledge base for my setup. He took care in his work making sure that he was doing the right job and I now have a smooth running upgraded system.

His after service care was also spot on as he was happy to provide advice even after my time slot was up. I wanted to say a big thank you for your services and i will definitely call you guys again should something else pops up. A service I would fully recommend!

George - Kensington

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Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve compiled a series of IT Support FAQs based on service requests by our customers. If there's no answer here for your immediate query, simply get in touch with us to find out more.

Yes. As well as delivering IT Support remotely, our engineers can visit your office to carry out periodic system maintenance and an ad-hoc services that resolve your technology challenges.

We can also provide onsite visits for on-demand project solutions and IT consultancy.

As an outsourced IT support customer, whenever your have an Apple Mac or Windows computer problem, you can contact us in the first instance to log a support ticket via our IT helpdesk portal. We can then schedule either an onsite visit or remote computer support session to quickly sort this out for you.

We've made it easy for you you to log your IT Support Ticket.

  • By telephone
  • By email
  • By clicking on the remote IT support tool on your PC or Apple Mac computer to generate a request notification.

Yes. Our qualified team of IT support engineers have extensive experience with Apple Mac support and Microsoft Windows computer repairs, so we are well able to address both hardware and software issues for business and home users.

Many of our clients have a mixture of Windows computers and Apple Mac devices within their home or busines environment. This means you can trust our expertise to provide professional computer support and resolve the technical IT issue at hand.

Yes, if you would like remote IT support via remote telephone support session or connection to your computer via the internet, we can help you via both service options. This means you can get Remote IT Support for hardware and software challenges anywhere in the world, with just a simple IT service enquiry and having an internet connection.